Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Class to Night Out: Tunic Top

Photo Credits: 1, 2

Do you struggle with transforming your outfits from day to night? Don’t worry, CF is here to help turn that daily annoyance into a fun challenge. This column will focus on one piece per week, and teach you how to take your look from study sessions in the library to dancing the night away.

A great tunic top can take a girl far. Not only are tunics perfect layering pieces, they’re also appropriate in nearly every situation you can find yourself in. From lounging around the dorm to making leggings a little more class-appropriate, tunics are undeniably a college girl’s closet’s best (and most versatile) friend. Best of all, you can wear them day or night.

This week, I’ll be showing you how to take a basic, long-sleeved gray tunic and wear it from Chem lab on to a wild night out with friends – all you need is a quick styling change.

Tunic Top: Class

How to wear a gray tunic to a college class with leggings, simple studs, riding boots, a necklace and a basic tote
Tunic, Leggings, Boots, Tote, Necklace, Earrings

Create your day look by layering your tunic over basic black leggings. Though they’re both super simple, these two pieces combine to create a classic but casual silhouette. Two-toned riding boots both battle harsh weather and add to a classic campus look. To keep from looking too bland, add a funky feathered necklace and cool, complementary earrings. A fun graphic tote keeps you looking casual and helps you lug around your heavy books in style!

Tunic Top: Night Out

How to wear a gray tunic for a night out with liquid leggings, a leopard belt, green purse, stud earrings and lace-up wedge booties
Tunic, Leggings, Belt, Boots, Bag, Earrings

For a night out look, either keep your basic leggings from class or switch to a (faux) leather pair to take the look to the next level. Liquid leggings might seem like a risky choice, but the tunic provides all the coverage necessary for you to look like a total rockstar and avoid any embarrassing fashion moments. Cinch in this killer look with a leopard print belt and add some cool stud earrings for an even wilder vibe. Rocker-style ankle booties amp up the rock & roll factor, and a vibrant cross-body bag provides a much-needed pop of color to complete the look.

What do you think?

Do you have a favorite tunic you can wear with everything? What do you think of the outfits? What are YOU wearing out tonight? Leave a comment and let me know, I’d love to hear what you think!


Carina - Ohio University 21 Jan, 2012

Source: http://www.collegefashion.net/fashion-tips/class-to-night-out-tunic-top/
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In Good Company

>> I've always lamented and secretly wished that a British version of Teen Vogue existed.  There's no use wrinkling your nose at me.  You can say "But we have i-D, Dazed and Lula and any one at any age can pick up Elle or Vogue and still get a decent fashion fix?"  Whilst I'm grateful to those first two titles for shaping part of what I love about fashion when I was growing up and yes, Elle/Vogue do a fine job of serving women, there still really isn't that instantly-recognisable paper-based teenage fix that is ultra specific to the fashion climate and environment of the UK (well, London...) as well as to the weird whimsies of a teenager finding/discovering style.  Yes, it is a little strange that aged 28, I'm still grasping at this non-existent magazine that isn't even targeted at my age group but then again, I'm also strangely fascinated by young adult fiction or the reaction to programmes like Skins or Misfits - I'll age into a strange anthropologist who can never tear her eyes away from what's going on in teen-dom.  I once even begged Teen Voguer Andrew Bevan to get him to fight for the cause.  He tells me it's a no go though. 

You could also argue that with sites like the excellent Rookie, the increasing numbers of blogs, Tumblrs and the fact that fashion mad teens here probably pick up the American Teen Vogue anyway, teens are actually very well served.  Still, Company's recent makeover, which has seen its size reduced to exactly that of Teen Vogue, has reignited my preposterous secret wish that will probably remain unfulfilled, the way print land is going. 


Company has done a decent job of sort of plugging that mainstream teen media hole even though they don't specifically focus their stories on teens.  Gone are the "My mum's drinking left her hours from death" and "Have sex, look skinny" headlines and instead snazzy fonts, illustrations and a much heavier fashion and beauty focus has been ushered in.  The emphasis is also on high street clothing which ups the accessibility factor.  The styling is evidently less "Phooooaaar" and more preppy.  I'd liken it to ASOS's make-under from As Seen On Screen to its current on-point incarnation.  I do find it interesting that those slightly saucy reads that I bought as a curious teen to find out about sex- More, 19, Company - have either floundered or changed tact.  I'm reminded once again of Kevin Braddock's analysis of men's magazine culture and the pending death of lad mags and likewise, the language of sex as well as the idea that women are dressing with the sole purpose of "going out on the pull in women's media, has also become muted.  







By all means, it's not the finished product for me and my lofty ideas for a teen mag that would probably sell less than 100 copies.  Maybe it'll kick start me into putting some money where my mouth is.  Nonetheless I quite like the shift.  One less magazine proclaiming "How to make your g-string work for you and your man" is fine by me.  

susie_bubble 21 Jan, 2012

Source: http://www.stylebubble.co.uk/style_bubble/2012/01/in-good-company.html
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Candy Dish: Love That Sassy Fassy

Why you need to be obsessed with Michael Fassbender

More reasons to loathe Tucker Max

Which daytime soap is moving to primetime?

Pulling off the rhinestone nails look

Getting over a fear of cuddling

Defending the manic pixie dream girl

First the ladies, now the Disney princes get cover treatment

Taking care of business

We need ALL the things

College Candy 21 Jan, 2012

Source: http://collegecandy.com/2012/01/20/candy-dish-love-that-sassy-fassy/
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Diary of the Undateable: Sh*t Scaredy Cats Say

Have you ever  seen Alicia Keys' music video for her song "You Don't Know My Name?" She pines for super-hot hip hopper Mos Def for weeks because she's too shy to make a move. When she finally asks him out, they live happily ever after in neo-soul land. I am so her…pre-happy ending. Except I'm too shy to make a move on a guy…ever.

I live for the feeling of having a new crush. It feels like the first day of school – butterflies, jitters and rainbows. The whole nine. My university has plenty of attractive young men, but the most random guys pique my interest. They vary from big, brawny football players or quiet, sensitive artists. My crush, Aiden, is a gorgeous PR major. I'm not using the term "gorgeous" lightly, either…I'm pretty sure he's done some modeling. He has the most delicate bone structure I’ve ever seen on a man. Seriously. I haven't seen a face like that in…well…ever. I've admired him from a distance since last year. And I'll probably be keeping myself nine paces away.

Truthfully, I'm too afraid to talk to him. Too afraid of being forward and too afraid of rejection. The last guy I admitted my feelings to told all of his friends and they told their friends…it was a never-ending chain of embarrassment. This time, Aiden could easily be equally attracted to me or even have a secret crush on me…who knows? But taking the chance to find out is scarier than being on "Fear Factor."

I'm the oldest sibling, so a lot of my knowledge – or lack there of – is based off trial and error. I was lucky to find a "big brother" in my coworker, Lorenzo. Lorenzo is tall, dark, handsome and straight — a certified catch in D.C.! Lorenzo knows the ladies.  He's informed me to take the classic approach and try to be his friend – but not to initiate anything else.

"Don't be too eager," he said. "Start with a casual conversation and see where it leads to in a few months. You could always use a male friend."

But every women's magazine in America tells me otherwise. I'm supposed to go for the gold. I'm supposed to be alluring and sexy and smart and funny and fabulous – and then he's supposed to fall into my open arms. Right?

Egads! I'm so confused. I can either risk my dignity and start flirting right away or potentially be stuck in the friend zone.

CollegeCandy readers, what should I do?

College Candy 21 Jan, 2012

Source: http://collegecandy.com/2012/01/20/diary-of-the-undateable-sht-scaredy-cats-say/
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Ten Signs You’ve Been Friend-Zoned

As a serial crush-haver, I know how much it sucks to like someone and have him “friend-zone” you. It happens all too often and I always wish I had realized it before I got so involved. Trust me, it hurts much less if you notice the signs ahead of time. If you know it’s happening sooner rather than later, you’ll have time to move on to the next guy without heartbreak. Think about it like adding a new guy to your repertoire of guy friends.

Here’s a list of ten indicators that you’ve been friend-zoned. Read it. Memorize it. Use it.

initiating the gallery...

Ashley is a freshman at George Washington University and she’s majoring in Overanalyzing Situations and International Affairs. Follow her on twitter @ashleybrooks25

College Candy 21 Jan, 2012

Source: http://collegecandy.com/2012/01/20/ten-signs-youve-been-friend-zoned/
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