Senin, 02 Januari 2012

2012′s Crazy Funny Calendars

A new year is a time for a fresh start — and a fresh calendar even if like us you’re now realizing you haven’t turned the page on your 2011 edition since July. Keeping your schedule organized might be easy on say, an iPhone, but it’s also totally boring. Especially when this list of 2012′s craziest, funniest calendars is right here, calling your name for you to pick them up for family, friends — and yourself!

1. Awkward Family Photos Desk Calendar

Awkward Family Photos remains one of our fave blogs, so we're thrilled to see it in the form of a 365-day desk calendar. Each page features another awkward family photo to gawk at. Start each day in 2012 right — with a hearty laugh at someone else’s expense. ($12.99,

2. Charlie Sheen Winning Wall Calendar

OF COURSE there’s a Charlie Sheen “‘Winning!” calendar. If you are a fan of car-crash entertainment (and, let's be real, who isn’t?), this calendar will make for a hilarious 2012. Each month features a classic Charlie Sheen quote, along with a handsome sloppy shot of Charlie from 2011. An essential for Charlie Sheen fans and haters alike. ($11.89,

3. ZombieSmarts 2012 Desk Calendar

Vampires are out, zombies are in. Everyone and their brother seems to be training for some sort of zombie-driven apocalypse, so why not join the fun and get ready yourself? Each page of this desk calendar is packed with zombie facts and tips to help you defend yourself against a mutant attack. Who are we kidding — we know this calendar is ridic; just buy it to humor your BF. ($13.99,

4. Goats In Trees 2012 Wall Calendar

You read correctly: There is a calendar devoted to goats hanging out in trees. Perhaps the goat has always been your petting zoo #1, or maybe you really like goat cheese. Or maybe you're just looking to add a little weirdness to 2012. Even if you have no affinity for farm animals, Goats Climbing in Trees is guaranteed to make you laugh all year long. ($6.99,

5. Shoes 2012 Gallery Desk Calendar

If you're a shoe fiend like us, you won't find this Shoes 2012 Gallery desk cal so strange. The calendar reveals a new, more fabulous shoe every day of the year. Whether you prefer leopard-print wedges or platinum pumps, Shoes will brighten every day this year. Best part: None of them will hurt your feet. ($15.99,

6. Outhouses 2012 Wall Calendar

There is a calendar dedicated entirely to outhouses. For serious. The Outhouses 2012 Wall Calendar includes a series of photographs of these rustic places that your great, great grandparents probably used to poop in. Yuck. Why, you might ask? We wish we had an answer. The photos are, thankfully, not crude — the shots are only of outhouse exteriors — but the calendar is crazy nonetheless. Put one in your locker if you don’t mind getting a few strange looks in the hallways. ($13.99,

7. Yoga Dogs 2012 Wall Calendar

Dogs doing yoga poses. What’s not to love? The Yoga Dogs 2012 Wall Calendar features your favorite breeds doing their best poses, like, well, downward dog. They may have had some help from trainers Photoshop, but that makes these poses no less impressive. The images are great for a laugh, or even inspiration to help you get serious about yoga. If the dogs can do it, you can too! ($14.99,

8. Texts From Last Night 2012 Desk Calendar

Texts From Last Night is one of the funniest blogs we've found, so it’s no surprise it’s been created into a genius calendar. It displays a new, wild text each day, including messages about crazy parties and major mistakes. Want to feel better about yourself? Get this calendar and guarantee yourself a laugh each day. ($12.99,

9. Cow Abductions 2012 Wall Calendar

We still can't figure out how the Cow Abductions 2012 Wall Calendar made it to the printer. Each page features an image of cows being abducted by aliens. Really, you ask? Really. The makers of the calendar claim that images are official, but you should really be the judge. Pick this up for the friend whose most-used word is “random.” ($13.99,

10. 2012 Hot Guys With Baby Animals Wall Calendar

We saved the best for last! The 2012 Hot Guys With Baby Animals Wall Calendar is definitely an essential. Each page features a hot guy cuddling with a furry baby animal — it's that simple, people! The puppies and kittens look almost as happy to be with the guys as we are to look at them, which is why it’s the perfect calendar for you and all of your friends! ($10.39,

Which funny 2012 calendar is your fave? Did you find another crazy one we missed? Post the link in the comments or tell us which one you’re going to buy!

Kathryn H. Cusimano 03 Jan, 2012
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