Not gonna lie — we’re kind of really upset that Selena Gomez is taking a break from music in 2012 to focus on movies. LAME! But then we kind of got over it a little bit when we found out that four of our other faves — Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Chris Brown and Katy Perry — all
mentioned in passing promised to give us new tunes this year. Yippee!
Even though we legit have no details whatsoever on any of their new albums like when they’re coming out or what they’re going to sound like, it’s never too early to speculate right? If you ask us, we think Katy’s will be all about lost love (sorry, Russell), Chris’s will be full of angry, crazy-lyriced rap, Gaga’s will be an effort to top the weirdness of “Born This Way”, and Taylor’s will, no duh, be about love and boys and breakups.
Which album are you looking the most forward to? Vote in the poll below for your most anticipated album of the year, and as per youge, be sure to tell us who you voted for and why in the comments!
View This PollHaley Longman 08 Jan, 2012
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