Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

6 Things We’re Shocked Didn’t Happen in 2011

2011 was obvs a year for the dramatic. In every part of the industry — music, style, movies, celebs — so much shiz went down, it’s not even funny. Yet somehow, we’re a little bit more surprised at what didn’t happen in the last 365 days. We’re not necessarily disappointed these things didn’t occur, but let’s just say these were the headlines we expected to see at some point this year:

1. Taylor Swift‘s Got a New Boyfriend.
Back in 2010, we would’ve said, “What else is new?” when Taylor stepped out with a new dude. And that’s probably the main reason why we’re dumbfounded she didn’t find a new boy toy to
sing about
bring home to Mom.

2. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling Hooked Up (or Justin and Mila). Whichever.
How is it poss to have this much on-screen chemistry and NOT hook up IRL?!

3. Miley Cyrus Debuts Another
Sexy Song.
She claimed that she couldn’t be tamed (hey, that rhymed) with her last sultry tune, but maybe Liam found a way to curb Miley’s not-quite-PG-13 ways. We miss Miley music!

4. Jelena Calls It Quits!
JK. We know how they were attached at the
hips all year-round. Still, we’re kinda surprised the Beliebers didn’t attack Selena physically, like they did verbally and via Twitter. Poor girl.

5. Katy Perry Wins a Grammy!
Five #1 singles, four Grammy noms (this year!), and still nada? BS.

6. Lady Gaga Heads to a Psych Ward.
The fact that we didn’t even have to Photoshop the picture below should say it all, but we’ll just give you another example why we’re still flabbergasted over this one: Jo Calderone. ‘Nuff said.

What headline above did you expect to see this year? Is there anything you’re surprised didn’t happen that we forgot? We’re all ears…

Source: http://www.teen.com/katy-perry-grammy-justin-selena-breakup-2011/

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