Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Grey's Anatomy Face-Off: Regular Alex Karev vs. Alternate Reality Alex Karev

Yeah, yeah, the Grey's Anatomy alternate reality episode, Season 8, Episode 13: "If/Then," promises to take us on an emotional journey through the looking glass to the Seattle Grace-Mercy West that could have been. It should show us what makes each character themselves, and what they would be missing if life was different.

That's all well and good, but now let's talk about the important changes: The fashion! We're kidding (kinda), but we have been having a lot of fun looking at the alternate reality sneak peek pictures and analyzing everyone's different haircuts, makeup, and clothing choices. If style is the window to the soul, then these docs definitely headed down different paths.

Alex Karev (Justin Chambers), for instance, appears to have traded his brooding bad-boy style for adorable glasses and a big smile. We have to admit, as much as we love angsty Alex, we might like the cheery, alternate reality version even more. It's certainly a big change.

What do you think of Alex's alternate reality getup?


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